
This is the user documentation home page for Lewe products

Welcome to Lewe Gitbooks.

You can find user manuals and documentation of Lewe products here.

TeamCal Neo

TeamCal Neo

TeamCal Neo is is a web-based calendar application for the purpose of a day-based absence management of project teams.

Confluence Plugins

Bootstrap Visuals for Confluence

Bootstrap Visuals for Confluence is a plugin that provides page macros to display Bootstrap components on your page.

Chart.js for Confluence

Chart.js for Confluence is a Confluence app that allows you to put Chart.js charts on your Confluence page.

HTML and AUI Toolkit for Confluence

The HTML and AUI Toolkit for Confluence (HAT) plugin provides macros that will place HTML tags and AUI objects on your page.

Confluence User Macros

A Collection of Confluence User Macros

Read the documentation of my Confluence User Macros here:


Rainmeter Skin Grayhound

Grayhound is a Rainmeter skin package for system metrics best suited for wide screens.

WordPress Plugins

Lewe Bootstrap Visuals

Lewe Bootstrap Visuals for WordPress is a plugin that provides shortcodes creating Bootstrap objects on your page.

Lewe ChordPress

The Lewe ChordPress plugin for WordPress reads and processes ChordPro formatted text.

Lewe Jira Connector for WordPress

Lewe Jira Connector is a WordPress plugin showing Jira issue information.

Last updated