
Free Macro



The Badge looks much like a lozenge. You can define different styles and sizes and also combine it with a Heading or a Bootstrap button.

Adding the Macro

Edit your page.

Select “+” => Other macros

Type in “Bootstrap” in the Search box

Select the “Bootstrap Badge” macro

Macro Options


Enter the text of the badge.


Select one of the Bootstrap color styles.


Select “Badge” or “Pill”. The pill will have more rounded corners.


Enter the size of the badge in percent. The default size is 75%.

Display as

Select whether to make the Badge part of a Heading or a Bootstrap Button.

If you select a Heading and also use a plugin or macro that reads out the headings of your page, this heading will be included!

Button/Header Text

If part of a Heading or Button, enter the prefix text here.

Upper Right Corner

Only available in Badge 5

With this option enabled, the badge will be shown in the upper right corner of the button. Only has an effect when displayed as a button.

Button style

If part of a Button, select the button style here.

If part of a Button, you can link the button to a URL. Enter it here and include http:// or https://.


Select where to load the linked page, in the same window or in a new tab.

Custom Text Color

You can overwrite the Bootstrap text color here that is defined by the style you selected. You can enter any hexadecimal color value here, preceded by a hash, e.g. #990000.

Custom Background Color

You can overwrite the Bootstrap background color here that is defined by the style you selected. You can enter any hexadecimal color value here, preceded by a hash, e.g. #990000.

Last updated