Jira Hosts
How to configure Jira hosts
Last updated
How to configure Jira hosts
Last updated
You can configure any number of Jira hosts to connect to from your site. However, your WordPress site needs to be able to connect to these hosts.
After the Lewe Jira Connector has been installed, there will be a new post type “Jira Hosts” available.
Go to the Jira Hosts page and click Add New to add a new host.
Enter a speaking name for this entry to identify it by.
The complete URL for the Jira host, incl. http:// or https:// .
The username that you use to log in to that Jira host. You can leave this empty if the host allows public access and the issues you want to retrieve are publicly available too.
Personal Access Token (PAT)
Each created Jira host will get a unique ID. You can see this ID in the list that the Jira Hosts page shows. Keep that ID in mind because you will need it in the shortcodes that will pull information from there.
Enter the password (Jira Server, Jira Data Center) or the (Jira Cloud) for the username you specified.
If this host requires a personal access token (PAT) instead of basic authentication for API calls, enter yours here. Leave this field empty for basic authentication with your username and password. Read more about .