
The jco-filter shortcode


With the jco-filter shortcode you can display a sortable table with the result of a Jira JQL filter.

Examples and Outputs

[jco-filter host="1071" jql="project=ADMIN AND resolution=unresolved" fields="issuetype,priority,key,summary,status" showcount="true"]


[jco-filter parameter="value" ...]


A comma separated list of Jira fields to display. The following fields are supported:

  • issuetype

  • priority

  • key

  • summary

  • description

  • reporter

  • assignee

  • created

  • duedate

  • versions

  • fixVersions

  • resolution

  • status

If you did not yet specify a default list of fields in the global options, you must use this parameter. Otherwise the table will be empty.

no value


A comma separated list of the column headers to display. If you use this optional parameter, it should contain as much entries as the fields= parameter. If omitted, the field names are used as column headers.

no value


* Mandatory.

The post ID of the Jira host

no value


* Mandatory.

The JQL query you want to run on the host

no value


How many results (matching issues) to display



Show a count of the query result above the table.


Showing 20 of 7650 results (match 1 to 20)

In the above example:

20 = maxresults 1 = (startat-1)



Which result is the first to show. 0 is the first result. (If you want to start at the 51st result you need to set this to 50).


If you do not want to provide the fields parameter, you can define the default fields in the options of the Lewe Jira Connector in the WordPress back-end.

If you provide the fields parameter, none of the default fields will be shown. In that case you need to specify all the fields you want to see.

Custom Fields

Custom fields can be added to your jql= parameter in the format of:


The above example is translated by the Lewe Jira Connector into cf[1234] which is the correct JQL format.

In the fields= parameter you must use the format customfield_1234 to add the column to the output.

Jira only delivers back the value of your custom field, not its name in your Jira instance. If you want your column to have a speaking name, you can add on via the headers= parameter.

Let's say you have a custom field "Customer" in your Jira instance with ID 1234. The following shortcode would display the field with a proper column header:

[jco-filter host="398" jql="project=ADMIN AND resolution=unresolved AND cf{{1234}} = ACME" fields="issuetype,priority,key,summary,status,customfield_1234" showcount="true" headers="T,P,Key,Summary,Status,Customer"]

Last updated