HTML Address


The HTML Address macro adds an <address> element on your page.

An HTML Address element defines contact information about the author/owner of a document or an article. If the HTML Address element stands alone on your page or inside HTML Footer element, it represents the contact information for the document. If the HTML Address element is inside an HTML Article element, it represents the contact information for that article.

The text in an HTML Address element is usually displayed italic. Most browsers will add a line break before and after the address element.

Adding the Macro

  1. Edit your page.

  2. Select “+” => Other macros

  3. Type in “html” in the Search box

  4. Select the “HTML Address” macro

Macro Options

Element ID

If you need to address your element via an ID, e.g. in a stylesheet or via Javascript, enter the ID here. Make sure, the ID is unique on your page.

CSS Classes

If you need to style your element via an external style sheet, enter all class names here, separated by a blank.

Inline Styles

You can add inline styles to your element here, ending with a semicolon, e.g. “color:#ffffff;background-color:#000099;”.

Tooltip Title

Enter a simple text here that will popup as a tooltip when the mouse is hovered over the element.

Custom Attributes

You can enter fully specified custom attributes here separated by blanks, e.g.: data-animal=”cat” data-color=”red”.


Enter your contact information in the body of the macro. Use soft line breaks (Shift + Enter).

will show as:

Last updated